
Florian G. Kaiser


Florian G. Kaiser is professor of personality and social psychology at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany.

His research interests include attitude theory, the Campbell paradigm, large-scale attitude change and behavior management. Topics of interest are: environment and climate protection, environmental policy support, and sustainable development.

He has published almost 100 articles in refereed journals. He is on the editorial board of Environment & Behavior and was 2017-2018 Co-Chief Editor of the Journal of Environmental Psychology.

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Which global changes are needed to achieve the goals of the 2015 Paris climate agreement? How can policy stimulate these transitions in the most effective and efficient way, given the diversity of economic, political and cultural contexts of different countries around the world, and given the enormous global investments needed for these Paris goals?

The intention is to gather scientific insights about major societal challenges in LIAS on the basis of international and interdisciplinary consultation.

Luc Sels

Rector KU Leuven and Co-Chair LIAS Foundation