
Josiane Ezin-Houngbe


Josiane Ezin-Houngbe is Professor of psychiatry at the Université Nationale du Bénin (Faculté des Sciences de la Santé de Cotonou), where she is head of the adult psychiatry unit and educational coordinator of the training in psychiatry.

Josiane Ezin-Houngbe is also head of the department of mental health at the university hospital (Centre National Hospitalier et Universitaire Hubert K. MAGA de Cotonou).

The first ministerial WHO conference on global action against dementia in 2015 stated, "We need to invest more in research to develop a drug, but also to improve the quality of life of people with dementia and the support of their caregivers."

For complex challenges an interdisciplinary synthesis can be more important and more relevant than technical and disciplinary expertise. Global problems require an international synthesis.

Joost Van Meerbeeck

Co-Chair LIAS/LIAS Foundation