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Sophie Zhang

Sophie Zhang became a whistleblower after spending 2 years and 8 months at Facebook failing to fix the company from within. She personally caught two national governments using Facebook to manipulate their own citizenry, while also revealing concerning decisions made by Facebook regarding inauthenticity in Indian and U.S. politics.

After testifying regarding her findings to the EU and British Parliaments and California State Senate, she currently stays home to pet her cats.

Data scientists. Male programmer using laptop analyzing and developing in various information on futuristic virtual interface screen. Algorithm. marketing and deep learning of artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence makes it possible today to distinguish profiles based on user data, on the basis of which administrators of social networks and large media companies know which groups are sensitive to which types of information. However, how transparent and correct is this information?

For complex challenges an interdisciplinary synthesis can be more important and more relevant than technical and disciplinary expertise. Global problems require an international synthesis.

Joost Van Meerbeeck

Co-Chair LIAS/LIAS Foundation