The new government wants people to work longer and to reform pensions. But what is the best way to approach this, according to the scientific evidence? Two interdisciplinary working groups have tackled these issues and will present their vision papers on the same day. Kathleen Cools will act as host and moderator.
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Coordinator: Marjan Maes, economics
Coordinator: Erik Schokkaert, welfare economics
Katrien Antonio, actuarial sciences
André Decoster, economics
Hans Degryse, financial economics
Koenraad Matthijs, sociology
Jozef Pacolet, social security economist
Yves Stevens, social and pension law
Wim van Oorschot, social policy
Joost Van Meerbeeck, LIAS
The intention is to gather scientific insights about major societal challenges in LIAS on the basis of international and interdisciplinary consultation.