17 November, 19.00-21.00, Refectory, Holland College
Pension system reforms: challenges for the finance sector
In many countries, the finance sector manages large capitals that guarantee a care-free old age for an entire cohort of beneficiaries. Managers of these funds, together with the government and the regulator, bear great responsibility in making the pension system work not only for the current generation, but also for future generations. The impact of reforms in the pension system can therefore be very large and actually presents the industry with a double uncertainty: on the one hand, looking ahead to medium-term economic and demographic developments and climate risks, and on the other hand, anticipating possible reforms resulting from political decision-making. Professor Frank De Jong (Tilburg University) specialises in risk management for financial institutions and today discusses the challenges facing the financial sector. Lut Sommerijns (Tilia Law, KU Leuven) and Marjan Maes (KU Leuven) respond, and economist Hans Degryse (KU Leuven) moderates the discussion.
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19.00: introduction Hans Degryse
19.05: Frank De Jong
19.45: response by Lut Sommerijns
19.55: response by Marjan Maes
20.05: discussion
20.30: reception
This event will be held in English.
The intention is to gather scientific insights about major societal challenges in LIAS on the basis of international and interdisciplinary consultation.