29/11/2023 - Maintaining confidence: the (not-) pension reforms of our neighbouring countries

Save the date - 29/11/2023 19.00-21.00

Aula DV1 01.56, Tiensestraat 41 , 3000 Leuven / livestream

Lecture and debate

Different Western societies face similar pension challenges when it comes to demographic, social or economic developments. Despite the private uniqueness of each country, we can learn from each other. What are the "do's" and "don'ts" when it comes to pension reforms? Casper van Ewijk (Tilburg University), Stamatia Devetzi (Fulda) and Mathieu Lefebvre (Strasbourg) successively explain the situation and current challenges in the Netherlands, Germany and France.

Yves Stevens (KU Leuven) introduces the speakers and moderates the discussion.



The intention is to gather scientific insights about major societal challenges in LIAS on the basis of international and interdisciplinary consultation.

Luc Sels

Rector KU Leuven and Co-Chair LIAS Foundation