10/03/2025 Presentation Position Paper: Principles for a balanced pension reform

7/11/2024 Presentation of position paper: Towards an age-friendly landscape of dwellings in Flanders

27/08/2024 Call for Junior LIAS Fellows from Una Europa Institutions

28/05/2024 – Water walk: water in Leuven – through the ages

30/10/2023 – LIAS joins UBIAS, the global network connecting more than 40 university-based institutes for advanced study

29/11/2023 – Maintaining confidence: the (not-) pension reforms of our neighbouring countries

Call for Junior LIAS Fellows from Una Europa Institutions

Recording available for Lecture by Rose Gilroy: ‘Living the good life in old age – What’s housing got do with it?’

Recording available for ‘A radical climate policy is achievable and affordable’ – Rick van der Ploeg

Call for Junior LIAS Fellows from Una Europa Institutions