Call for Junior LIAS Fellows from Una Europa Institutions

Leuven Institute for Advanced Study – KU Leuven (Belgium)
Junior fellowships, 13 November-3 December 2023 on ‘Principles for a balanced pension reform’

The fellowships are intended for advanced Ph.D. students, postdocs or junior faculty members (tenure track) from Una Europa Universities. Applicants will be able to participate in expert workshops, discussions and lectures as well as actively engage with the LIAS community. During their stay, all fellows will have an office at Holland College so the informal contacts can be enhanced during coffee and lunch breaks.

Within the LIAS project the following issues will be highlighted during the stay of the senior fellows:

- Balance between insurance and poverty reduction

- Flexible retirement options starting from a fixed retirement age

- Intergenerational sustainability of future pension expenditure

- Impact of new family structures

- Ideal proportion of repartition and capitalisation

- Labour form neutrality of pension systems

Read about LIAS ‘Principles for a balanced Pension reform’ on our website.

LIAS covers all travel and hotel costs for junior fellows for a stay up to 14 days in Leuven with a maximum of € 1,000 for the total stay.

To apply, please send your application to no later than 6 October 2023. The applications will be reviewed shortly after this date and we will notify you about our decision by 14 October 2023.

Your application should contain:

  • a short motivation (max 1 page), explaining how this LIAS project relates with your research and stating your preferred period of visit
  • a short academic CV

For more information, please contact


A healthy public debate about important societal challenges requires a common and scientifically sound basis.

Bart Pattyn

Co-Chair LIAS and member Board LIAS Foundation