
Eswaran Somanathan


Eswaran Somanathan is Professor in the Economics and Planning Unit of the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) in Delhi (India), Professor-in-Charge of the Social Sciences Division of the ISI, and Program Director of CECFEE (Centre for research on the Economics of Climate, Food, Energy and Environment).

Professor Somanathan's research is in the economics of environment and development. He received his PhD from Harvard and has taught at Emory University, the University of Michigan, and Princeton.

He has been Executive Director of SANDEE (South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics), a Co-ordinating Lead Author for the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC. He is the Editor of Environment and Development Economics, a Cambridge University Press journal.

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Which global changes are needed to achieve the goals of the 2015 Paris climate agreement? How can policy stimulate these transitions in the most effective and efficient way, given the diversity of economic, political and cultural contexts of different countries around the world, and given the enormous global investments needed for these Paris goals?

A healthy public debate about important societal challenges requires a common and scientifically sound basis.

Bart Pattyn

Co-Chair LIAS and member Board LIAS Foundation