Dr. Habib Chaudhury_bw

Habib Chaudhury


Dr. Habib Chaudhury, Chair and Professor in the Department of Gerontology, has extensive research experience in the field of environmental gerontology. He conducts research and consulting work in the following areas: physical environment for people with dementia in long-term care facilities, memories of home and personhood in dementia, community planning and urban design for active aging, and dementia-friendly communities.

Published books include: Environments in an Aging Society: Autobiographical Perspectives in Environmental Gerontology, Remembering Home: Rediscovering the Self in Dementia and Home and Identity in Later Life: International Perspectives (co-edited with G. Rowles). Dr. Chaudhury conducts research consulting with various national and international organizations in the areas of planning and design of seniors housing and long-term care facilities. He is also affiliated with the Centre for Research on Personhood in Dementia at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver and Alzheimer Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Aging and Environment.

With age, the health and social needs of older adults become more complex. Multimorbidity, the coexistence of two or more chronic diseases, occurs in more than half of adults over 65 years of age. At the same time, there is less availability of informal caregivers due to a narrower base in the population pyramid, the increasing number of women who have started working and the greater geographical distance between parent(s) and child(ren). The demand for health services and other forms of support (cleaning help, hot meals, etc.) is therefore increasing.

The intention is to gather scientific insights about major societal challenges in LIAS on the basis of international and interdisciplinary consultation.

Luc Sels

Rector KU Leuven and Co-Chair LIAS Foundation