Masi Mohammadi_bw

Masi Mohammadi

The Netherlands

University of Technology - Eindhoven, the Netherlands

As the principal investigator and leader of the research program ‘Empathic Environment’, an ongoing interdisciplinary study into technological and social aspects of smart healthy neighborhoods, Mohammadi aims to develop an evidence-based framework for embedding emerging technologies (such as domotics, AI, robotics and IoT) into architectural concepts and systems. Therefore, it is essential to create a delicate balance between architecture, technology and the actual needs and preferences of (end) users. By implementing these (design) principals and methods in several Living Labs throughout the Netherlands, her chair aims to explore the next generation smart homes, and to examine the impact of these interventions on the socio-spatial context and real life of users. This new cross-disciplinary field requires systematic research and the development of new methodologies to empirically evaluate emerging housing typologies and their impact on the health, wellbeing and social engagement of users.

With age, the health and social needs of older adults become more complex. Multimorbidity, the coexistence of two or more chronic diseases, occurs in more than half of adults over 65 years of age. At the same time, there is less availability of informal caregivers due to a narrower base in the population pyramid, the increasing number of women who have started working and the greater geographical distance between parent(s) and child(ren). The demand for health services and other forms of support (cleaning help, hot meals, etc.) is therefore increasing.

For complex challenges an interdisciplinary synthesis can be more important and more relevant than technical and disciplinary expertise. Global problems require an international synthesis.

Joost Van Meerbeeck

Co-Chair LIAS/LIAS Foundation