Rahul Telang_bw

Rahul Telang

Rahul Telang is Trustees professor of Information systems and Management at the Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University and at the Tepper School of Business (Courtesy).

He is broadly interested in how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and associated digitization of information impact consumers, business and policies. Recently, he has been working on future of work, value of users skills and skill training. He has done lot of work on Digital Media Industry with a particular focus on how digitization (and associated piracy) in copyrighted industries is affecting the incentives of content provider, distributors and users. His research is directed towards understanding and shaping an optimal copyright and intellectual property policy in the Digitization Era. He was the recipient of Sloan Foundation Industry Study fellowship and a number of Google Faculty awards. He is a co-director of a center IDEA (Initiative for Digital Entertainment Analytics). He has worked extensively with industry and policy makers on variety of issue surrounding digitization of Media. He also does extensive consulting on this topic and has written with Michael Smith a popular book ‘Streaming, Sharing, Stealing: Big Data and the Future of Entertainment’ (MIT Press).

He has worked in the space of economics of information security and privacy. His key interest is in understanding the incentives of various parties (users, firms and hackers), why markets fail, how to create a useful policy framework and how to measure the effectiveness of such policies. His work explored the controversy surrounding vulnerability disclosure, vulnerability markets and their role in generating optimal outcomes. He has been examining the role of data breach disclosure laws on identity thefts. He was the recipient of NSF CAREER award for his work on economics of information security. He is also part of Cylab and Institute for Infrastructure Protection (I3P). He also worked on a large NSA funded project on examining home users’ security and privacy behaviour.

Rahul Telang has published extensively in many top management and policy journals like Management Science, Marketing Science, ISR, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Policy and Management, and NBER chapters. He held senior editor positions at ISR (Information Systems Research) and MIS Quarterly. He has organized many conferences and workshops and many of his papers have received top honours at journals and conferences. He has generated large external funding over the years for many of his projects. He also does extensive consulting and speaking at various firms. In particular, he has been working closely with Warner Brothers on their Home Entertainment business strategy including pricing, streaming and licensing strategies.

Data scientists. Male programmer using laptop analyzing and developing in various information on futuristic virtual interface screen. Algorithm. marketing and deep learning of artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence makes it possible today to distinguish profiles based on user data, on the basis of which administrators of social networks and large media companies know which groups are sensitive to which types of information. However, how transparent and correct is this information?

The intention is to gather scientific insights about major societal challenges in LIAS on the basis of international and interdisciplinary consultation.

Luc Sels

Rector KU Leuven and Co-Chair LIAS Foundation