Covid-19 and Vaccination: Which Strategy? Debate with Bruno Holthof
The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us a lot. It has taught us how fragile our social and economic interactions are, but also how a crisis gives rise to creativity and commitment.

In the debate during the official presentation of LIAS, there will be a discussion between Bruno Holthof (CEO Oxford University Hospitals), Geert Meyfroidt (Clinical Director UZ Leuven) and Corinne Vandermeulen (Leuven University Vaccinology Center). They will talk about what the pandemic teaches us about the design of vaccination strategies and how to strengthen the carrying capacity of intensive care units during a pandemic.

Crises force us to take alternative paths. Not everyone chose the same alternatives. Which strategies performed best and how can we prepare for another pandemic?  


A healthy public debate about important societal challenges requires a common and scientifically sound basis.

Bart Pattyn

Co-Chair LIAS and member Board LIAS Foundation