Why is reporting of public interest? - 26 November 2022
Bert en Rik_bw

Panel discussion with Bert De Vroey & Rik Van Cauwelaert
Moderated by Axel Buysse

26 November 2022, from 19.00-20.30 followed by a reception
Location: Refectory, Holland College, Leuven

How do you see the public function of reporting? For the formation of a critical and alert public opinion, is it enough that there are high quality newspapers, tv and radio stations? Or is it important that all media, and in this sense also popular media and tabloids, do everything possible to create the most critical and alert public opinion? What happens in a society if reporting does not fulfil its public function? Which criteria must reporting meet in order to fulfil that mission? How can a commercial approach be reconciled with the public function of journalism?

These are among the questions that journalists Bert De Vroey (VRT) and Rik Van Cauwelaert (De Tijd) will discuss during this panel discussion to kick off our LIAS project on Reporting and AI. Axel Buyse (former Delegate of the Flemish Government to the EU) will moderate the debate. The question ‘why is reporting of public interest?’ is key to the consultations with international LIAS fellows in our project on Reporting and Artificial Intelligence. After all, if we manage to provide a clear and convincing description of what reporting serves, what its public function is and how it can best fulfil this mission, then we have a solid starting point to determine how AI is to be used within modern media. We can see more clearly which use of AI supports the public function of reporting, and which use undermines it.

Please register via the form below if you would like to attend the debate in person.

This event will also be available via livestream.


For complex challenges an interdisciplinary synthesis can be more important and more relevant than technical and disciplinary expertise. Global problems require an international synthesis.

Joost Van Meerbeeck

Co-Chair LIAS/LIAS Foundation